Glass beading is the process of applying fine glass beads at a high pressure. This removes the surface deposits without damaging the surface underneath. It’s also known as glass bead blasting.
Glass or Bead blasting is a popular way to remove paint from the surface of vehicles without damaging the underlying sheet metal. You can get glass beads in a range of sizes and grades.
Glass beading can be used on a wide range of materials including metal, stainless steel and glass. It produces a lovely smooth finish that can’t be achieved with other sandblasting media abrasives.
Blasting Services
- Whip blast
- Heavy blast
- Medium blast
- Light abrasive "brush/sweep" AS1627.1
- Abrasive blast to AS 1627.4 Class 2.5
"Hi guys,
Thanks again for your help with the couple of pieces you sand blasted for my 1930's scales, greatly appreciated. Also, I put the brass pieces into some Coke, and it came up a treat! I cannot thank you enough for the service and advice."
As promised, attached are some pictures of the final product, and 1 picture of what it looked like when I picked it up! q
As promised, attached are some pictures of the final product, and 1 picture of what it looked like when I picked it up! q
Tim Davies
Interesting Projects
A customer dropped in with his brand new leather jacket that he wanted to have blasted to give it the effect of being old... we abrasive blasted the new leather jacket & it came up as good as old, just as our customer wanted!

A recently completed project is the glass blasting (or beadblasting) of the 'Frog Eggs' Project by Jeph Neale & his collaborators. The project involved the building of the eggs which we then glass blasted. The Frog Eggs can be seen at Main Street in Point Cook, Victoria.

Contact us today
and let us know how we can help you.